
Finding Your Creative Voice
Finding your creative voice is very often not an easy process and will involve a lot of soul-searching and inner conflict.
My workshops are designed for you to take your time to explore your own feelings without the pressure of creating a perfect image every time. Mistakes are how we learn and you will be encouraged to push your limits without judgment, this often involves a degree of mindfulness for you to take your time and tune into the environment and let those creative thoughts flow.
The aim of the workshops is for you to start to develop your own style, and take photos that look like yours, rather than copying somebody else’s look.
What kind of camera do I need?
You’ll get the most out of the workshop if you have a digital SLR or mirrorless camera, but the ideas are universal and apply if you work with film, compact or smartphone cameras.
Does it matter what types of photos I take?
No, it doesn’t! You can apply what you learn in my workshops to any genre of photography. The workshop will help you develop your creativity, style and voice through camera technique and the use of the camera equipment that you have at hand.
How good a photographer do I need to be?
The workshops are aimed at all photographers, no matter how creative you think you are (or are not). It’s all about reaching the next level and pushing your limits, whatever that happens to be for you.
What happens if I don't understand the techniques?
There’s no set schedule for the workshops and you can take as long as you like to understand the processes and also take as long as you need to work through the creative process.